Thailand Products Review

11:39:00 AM Roxy Cortes 37 Comments

Lately, I've been very interested with Thailand products because of the recent popularity here in the Philippines. And recently, I've been going out a lot without sunscreen, my skin seems to be a wee bit sunkissed. So to replenish and rescue my darkened skin, I decided the join the community of whitening product-holics. The prices are not so bad, so I decided to purchase some of the thailand product craze.
Note: I'm currently testing them, so I'll update this post as soon as my testing phase has been completed. 

Here are the products I bought.

Gluta Pure Soap by Wink White
Gluta Wink White Lotion
And Gluta with Berry by Skinista

And with lots of knock offs around, I made sure I got the authentic products. I got mine from Asian Vanity Shop. 

Gluta Pure Soap by Wink White

Full of vitamins E, B3, and C. 
Easily be absorbed onto the skin. 
Contains mixture of goat's milk, rice milk, and rice bran oil which help to brighten and smoothen skin effectively. 
Natural exfoliation that reveals new and whiter skin.

What I Like:
Minimal Scent (for me it smells like oatmeal)
It whitens my skin. (Although I have used it for a few times only, I can already see the effect) 
Cute Art and Packaging.
Not easily available. (needs to purchased online)

What I Don't Like:
Melts easily. (make sure to keep it dry in a soap dish)
Dries my skin a bit. (but just put lotion after bath)

Wink White soaps have other variants too. I'll probably try them later too. 

Gluta Wink White Lotion

It has SPF 60 to protect skin to harmful sunrays
Whitens skin naturally and nourishes the skin
It has vitamin E to helps skin discoloration and Vitamin C to strengthen smooth skin
 Gluta wink has no mercury

What I Like:
Smells like bubblegum  (yum!)
Feels very smooth after completely applied.
Whitening promise (will confirm if true).
Cute art and packaging.

What I Don't Like:
Very very sticky (feels like applying toothpaste)
A bit pricey (one bottle is only 300 ml)

Gluta with Berry by Skinista
Gluta with Berry (All in one) contains the following:
Glutathione *Reduced form 6500mg
Berry & Grape seed Extract 2000mg
Co Q10 800mg
Collagen tri peptide 500mg
Vit C 500mg
Alpha lipoic acid 200mg
Freeze-dried placenta extract 50mg

- Master Antioxidant
- Gives pinkish, glowing youthful face and body skin
- No side effects
- Used by mostly Korean, Japanese and Korean models
- Aura skin both face and body.
- Smoothens, rejuvenates skin.
- Skin has more elastin, firmed.
- Noticeable to the people around you.
- Tightens pores
- Clears scars, dark spots, and acne.
- FDA Approved

Take 1 tablet a day at bedtime with warm water to optimize the uptake.

I'll update this post after completing the bottle.

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  1. How was the Gluta with Berry by Skinista?

  2. How was skinista gluta pills?? Im planning to buy soon...

  3. Hi girls, pardon the late reply. Unfortunately a bottle of Gluta with Berry didn't whiten or brighten my skin. I am just not sure if consuming more than one bottle will have more visible effect though.

  4. O my...I think I have to cancel my order...I ordered one box (new packaging)

  5. Did u experience any distress on your body? Did it cause allergic reaction? Hormonal imbalance??

    1. Hi aliaa, i just want to know why you ask if takibg gluta berry can cause hormonal imbalance?..
      I have tried gluta berry but just one bottle and after taking it i experienced a delay on my monthly period. But that time, i didnt realize that it may be because of the pills i took.
      Is takibg gluta may cause hormonal imbalance? Thanks

  6. Hey Aliaa, I did not experience any distress or headaches. No allergic reactions too. I guess the only downside for me is that there is no visible effect after consuming one bottle.

  7. How's the gluta wink white lotion and soap? Did it work? I'm planning to buy really soon because of their whitening promise. I hope you'll reply. Thanks!

  8. Hi Anonymous, the wink white soap works great on me! I think the effect is noticeable in a week. I highly recommend it, specially if you want to get a lighter tone fast. But it made my skin dry, so use a lotion everytime you use the soap.

    As for the lotion, I didn't like it much because of it's consistency. It feels like applying toothpaste on your skin. It didn't give that whitening promise too. For me, I use it because of its sunblocking promise, it has a pretty high SPF.

  9. How long have you used it? Do you have a before and after picture of your skin?
    Thanks for the reply :))

  10. Replies
    1. I think it's 90 Php or less. But you can check directly with any legit vendors in Facebook.

  11. Finally i found your blog.
    I have a plan to buy Whitening Supplement(WS),again.. But it won't happen..
    My first WS is gluta lapunzel by skinest. Its takes about 15 days (1 capsule per night) brighting 1 level tone for my skin,i have to continue finishing the 15 capsules more..^^

    And now i'll buy the soap only ^^

  12. I used this soap about 3x .. And I noticed that I'm having allergic reactions, I don't know if its from the egg I've eaten or its really this soap. Does it cause allergic reaction? Thanks.

    1. Oh if you are getting skin allergies, I strongly recommend for you to stop using the soap.

      On my experience, there was no allergic reaction. Although it causes a bit of dryness, which is why I use a lotion afterwards.

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  16. Hello guys , i have read this post . I did buy 1 BOTTLE of gluta with berry :) for a month my workmates and friends notice that my skin becomes lighter .. i kniw that it depends to people on how they intake the gluta . it says there that the effect can be seen within the usage of 1-2 bottles .. and now i decided to buy 4 of them as i am very pleased and happy of the result my acne slowly fades also :) and NO side effects at all

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  19. Hi all. Im from South Africa. Have African skin. Not too dark and not too light. I recently bought the grape glutathione soap. Im really hoping it works. I have bad acne and Im becoming a shade darker since my son's birth. Wish me luck.

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  22. great review About thailand whitening products. Thanks for sharing

  23. Just recently I heard that Pakistani whitening products contain mercury, specifically, the brand Goree. I trust the Thai beauty products, because my pharmacist friend told me they have strict manufacturing codes there. I use Benny Beauty Vampire White: soap, lotion and serum. you won't get a super fast effect, it took maybe 2 weeks, but it did erase the blemishes and my warts also disappeared because of the salicylic acid it contains. Anyway, do keep us updated on any products that might contain harmful chemicals.

  24. Soap your way to a fairer and flawless skin. Check out these amazing soaps that are surely effective. Try it now and see the difference.


  25. Need to find a way to whiten you skin fast? We've got the solution! Check these effective whitening lotions.


  26. Need to find a way to whiten you skin fast? We've got the solution! Check these effective whitening lotions.


  27. Soap your way to a fairer and flawless skin. Check out these amazing soaps that are surely effective. Try it now and see the difference.


  28. Soap your way to a fairer and flawless skin. Check out these amazing soaps that are surely effective. Try it now and see the difference.


  29. Great blog about thailand products review

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